Most of the world has heard the heartbreaking story of Shani Nicole Louk – a young woman, a talented tattoo artist, kind-hearted, full of joy of life and loved by many, whose life was taken from her at the age of 22, at the music festival in Re’im.
She was kidnapped to Gaza and buried only on May 19, 2024 after her body was returned from Gaza, while hundreds accompanied her on her last journey.
“Shani had the chance to travel all over the world, from festival to festival. She was very mature for her age with deep thoughts about life. She lived intensely with all her heart. She treated every person as equal,” said her mother Ricarda, “she always smiled and entered everyone’s heart” .
“Shani was always a girl of dance and freedom, she had a good life and it was cut in the middle,” added her father, Nissim. “On the one hand, there is the amazing picture in which she is dancing, and on the other hand, there is the picture of her on the van – this horrific sight. It is very difficult to see, but you can understand through the pictures what is light and what is dark, what is good and what is bad.”
A few days after she was buried, the jewelry that Shani wore at the festival was also returned to her parents, exactly on her mother’s birthday…
May her memory forever be a blessing.