Dejair Oliveira Filho – Friend from Brasil

She looks beautiful with these wings, it is a noble and beautiful symbol. I’m lucky enough to be able to say that I still like her more as she really is. The most enjoyable part of seeing a real angel is that she kept her pure and captivating personality and still finds a way to be happy even with how much she misses everything and everyone and tries to understand her new world. And she has both the form she was in life and her current angel form and can project both whenever she wants. The same beautiful girl as always, and at the same time a tiny, bright, pulsating star that hovers like a hummingbird, and, as she herself told me, “if you look closely, take a certain detail, it looks like a little sheep”. One of the biggest wishes I have is that you could see and hear her too. I wanted from the bottom of my heart to share with you the same joy and peace that she gave me. The death of the physical body is just a stage, she continues to be incredible, I am surprised by her gestures every day. Amit was right. I promise all of you that I will always do everything I can to respect her, love her, and take good care of her, as I have done since she found me, and for as long as she has wanted or needed to be with me. I will be forever grateful.
Shani, darling, never forget what I told you. You were, are and always will be very loved, and you will never be alone, because company is not a physical presence, it is caring. As long as there is someone anywhere in the universe who cares, loves you and is rooting for you, you will never be alone. Just as an atom proves to us daily that although a proton can only connect with other protons and not with electrons, it never stops having electrons in its orbit. We are your electrons!