Shani louk was definitely a very special unique person who had very unique special qualities and characteristics she was someone who I never heard about or had known of that I knew existed until that fateful horrific terrible tragic day that she passed away when her tragic untimely death made headlines in the news and on social media and that’s when I had discovered her and who she was all though she was someone who I never heard about never meet or never knew personally or never ever knew of for some very strange odd reason she suddenly became someone I started feeling emotionally attached to or deeply spiritually connected to even though I never heard of her before until her passing and then I started watching videos of her and learning about who she was and from what I’ve discovered Shani was definitely that kind of person who very easily stood out from the rest of the crowd like a sore thumb and she definitely was an angel who walked among us if only there had been more than 100 million more people like Shani louk in this world the world we all live in would have been a much better place to live in if there only were a lot more people in the world like Shani louk there would be no more wars no more violence bloodshed there would be no more crime poverty homelessness racism hatred governments or government corruption dispair environmental destruction or most any other problem if there were more people in the world like Shani the world would have had a lot fewer problems everybody would have been living together in perfect peace and harmony and living in perfect harmony with mother nature and if only there had been far more than 100 million more people in the world like Shani we would all have been living in a utopian paradise star trek like world.